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Evaluating Computer Vision Solutions for Digital Physiotherapy

Let’s delve into the key criteria that digital health care providers and health systems should consider when evaluating computer vision solutions as well as how to evaluate the solutions across these criteria.

September 5, 2024  6 min reading

In the evolving landscape of digital physical therapy and rehabilitation, computer vision technology has emerged as a pivotal tool that can support treatment for a variety of conditions, including musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions, neurology conditions, and cardiac conditions. The most advanced computer vision solutions offer precise body tracking, real-time feedback, and detailed adherence monitoring, all of which can significantly enhance the effectiveness and engagement of physical therapy. However, many digital providers and health systems often don’t realize that all computer vision was not created equally. There can be significant gaps between the capabilities of various computer vision solutions, and it’s important to know what to look for when evaluating which solution is best for your organization.

Precise and Complete Body Tracking

Key Considerations:

  • Exercise Guidance: The solution should provide specific exercise guidance for multiple joints and for many different elements of motion. This results in more comprehensive feedback and more effective, safe movements.
  • Stability: Look for stable skeleton tracking with minimal flickering to ensure consistent feedback.
  • Comprehensive Tracking: The ability to track numerous points on the body (e.g., Kemtai tracks 111 body points) allows for exercises in various positions (profile, front, supine, sitting).
  • Accessibility: The system should handle diverse conditions, such as different lighting, clothing, backgrounds, and body types, to be accessible in various locations.

Evaluation Steps:

  • Request a demo to observe the system’s tracking capabilities across different exercises and body positions.
  • Inquire whether the computer vision motion tracking engine is proprietary (allows for more flexibility, accuracy, and control) or built on an open source model (static and rigid, limited tracking points, dependent on other systems)
  • Verify the stability of the skeleton tracking by testing it in different environments with varied lighting and backgrounds. Organizations that are willing to provide open access to demos likely have stronger technology.

Real-Time Feedback and Corrective Guidance

Key Considerations:

    • Feedback Speed: The system should provide real-time feedback within milliseconds to mimic live guidance from a physical therapist across many different body parts and movement types
  • Feedback Styles: Feedback should be both audio and visual to maximize its impact
  • Interactive Experience: Look for features that create an engaging and interactive user experience, such as gamification and live scoring

Evaluation Steps:

  • Test the feedback mechanisms during a demo session to ensure they are prompt and accurate.
  • Check if the system offers customizable feedback at the exercise level and if it provides immediate scoring for each repetition.

Diverse Exercise Library

Key Considerations:

  • Range of Exercises: A comprehensive exercise library that covers various conditions and capabilities is essential. This includes exercises for basic musculoskeletal issues as well as more complex neurological conditions and fitness-focused exercises. The strongest computer vision will support thousands of exercises.
  • Flexibility: The ability to add new exercises and customize existing ones is crucial for adapting to different patient needs.

Evaluation Steps:

  • Review the exercise library to ensure it includes a wide range of exercises and variations. Variations are key because they enable you to choose exercise versions that are most appropriate for different patients.
  • Ask about the process for adding new exercises and how the system learns and incorporates new movements.

Accurate Adherence Tracking

Key Considerations:

  • Detailed Tracking: The solution should provide detailed adherence data, including whether users completed exercises and how well they completed the exercises. Simply showing whether someone accessed the platform is insufficient. Tracking should be provided at the exercise level by the strongest solutions.
  • Analytics: Look for features that offer protocol compliance analytics.

Evaluation Steps:

  • Request examples of adherence reports to understand the level of detail provided.
  • Discuss how the system’s adherence data can be integrated into existing patient management systems.

Robust API Framework for Integration

Key Considerations:

  • Seamless Integration: The ability to integrate with existing digital platforms and maintain consistent branding is vital. The most adaptable solutions will offer a variety of integration types (full API, hybrid, and standalone).
  • Data Accessibility: Ensure the system offers robust performance and adherence data APIs for immediate availability of key user data.
  • Customizations: Make sure that the system provides control over user experience and branding.

Evaluation Steps:

  • Review the API documentation to assess integration ease and capabilities.
  • Ask if the system supports different integration models (full API, hosted, white-labeled hybrid) and if it allows customization of the user experience.

Granular Performance Tracking

Key Considerations:

  • Detailed Insights: The system should provide exercise-level and overall performance scoring, including repetition counting.
  • Motion Replay: Advanced computer vision solutions will be able to provide a motion replay of the user’s exact movements for clinicians and coaches to review.

Evaluation Steps:

  • Test the system’s performance tracking features during a demo to see the granularity of the data provided.
  • Evaluate how performance data is presented and used to improve patient outcomes.

Wide Support of Devices

Key Considerations:

  • Device Compatibility: The solution should support a wide range of devices (phones, laptops, tablets) to ensure greater accessibility.
  • Platform Flexibility: It should run seamlessly on web, mobile, and desktop platforms.

Evaluation Steps:

  • Verify the compatibility of the system by testing it on various devices
  • Test the user experience on different operating systems to evaluate effectiveness and consistency on different platforms.

Maximum Privacy

Key Considerations:

  • Video Recording: The system should ensure that patient data is kept secure and that no video is recorded
  • Cloud Processing: The most secure platforms will not process patient exercise data in the cloud

Evaluation Steps:

  • Review the system’s data privacy policies and compliance certifications.
  • Ensure that the solution’s privacy measures align with your organization’s data security standards.

Regulatory Compliance

Key Considerations:

  • Global Regulations: The platform should comply with necessary regulations to be utilized in various global markets, including HIPAA compliance, GDPR compliance, FDA listing, and ISO certifications.

Evaluation Steps:

  • Verify the system’s compliance with relevant regulations and certifications


Evaluating a computer vision solution for digital physical therapy requires a comprehensive assessment of its tracking capabilities, real-time feedback, exercise library, adherence tracking, integration flexibility, performance tracking, device support, privacy measures, and regulatory compliance. By thoroughly testing these aspects and comparing them with best practices, digital providers and health systems can ensure they select a solution that meets their needs and enhances patient outcomes.

Curious to learn more about Kemtai’s solutions? Feel free to shoot us a message at info@kemtai.com. We would love to discuss!